Pregnancy is a great time that should be enjoyed, and nothing should stop a pregnant woman from embarking on a road trip and have the time of her life; as long as she adheres to safety precautions, you are in for a great time.

Here are some tips to help plan your trip as a pregnant woman

Speak with your doctor

It is essential that your doctor checks you and your baby before you embark on a journey. Make sure your doctor certifies that you are fit to travel. Discuss every health issue or pregnancy complication with your midwife or doctor before you fly.

Check the airline’s policy.

Generally, commercial air travel before week 36 of pregnancy is considered safe if you have a healthy pregnancy. Some airlines would request a letter from your doctor or midwife confirming your due date and that you aren’t at risk of complication. Make sure you read up and discuss with your agent before you travel.

Fasten your seat belt

You also need to use your seat belt while traveling. Fasten the lap belt under your abdomen. Research shows that there is much less risk of injury when you wear a seatbelt to you and your unborn baby.

Get circulated

During pregnancy, it is essential to promote circulation. Take occasional walks up and down the aisle. If you must remain seated, flex and extend your ankles periodically. Also, avoid wearing tightfitting clothing.

Be comfortable


It is important to be as comfortable as possible when you are traveling. Travel light and wear comfortable outfits.

Drink plenty of fluids

Low humidity in the cabin can lead to dehydration. Take plenty of water, and you can always ask the air hostess for more water.



The best time to travel is during the second semester. You are feeling at your best, and there is the lowest risk of complications. Some women will not prefer to travel in the first trimester because of nausea and feeling very tired during the stage.

During the third trimester, you might feel too tired and uncomfortable to fly. The best time to travel is during your second trimester.


The world is still fighting the covid-19 pandemic, and there is a need for pregnant women to take their health seriously. Get your covid test done before you travel, and you can speak to your doctor to be sure you can take the covid-19 vaccine.

Make sure you speak to your doctor and stay safe while traveling.

Onome Omodara About the author
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