Pre-employment Medical Exams: Why Your Company Needs Them
Employing the right fit for a job role in your organisation is fantastic, but the question that most managers and executives often ignore is; What is the prospective employee’s baseline health status prior to employment?
Knowing an employee’s general health status prior to taking up a job role is not just desirable, it is integral. So, how do you get to know the baseline health status of a prospect you are looking to hire? The answer is pre-employment medical examinations (Also called pre-placement medical examinations).
Pre-employment medical examinations are done after a conditional job offer has been made. While fit for work testing emphasises the individual’s functional capacity in relation to the tasks and the risk of the particular job, pre-employment medical examination focuses on the absence or presence of specific medical conditions prior to taking up a job role. It basically shows if the prospect has any underlying medical conditions that may hamper their performance on the job or restrict them from delivering efficient performance in their workplace.
This ultimately helps to ensure that the employee, their colleagues, their health and safety are optimal and not at any risk. This also helps employers save money in the long run. Pre-employment medical exams can also identify pre-existing injuries. Some of the tests done during the pre-employment examination also serve as a foundation for ongoing medical surveillance and maybe regulatory requirements for high-risk occupations.
Most pre-employment medical checks often include a drug test as a part of the medical examination to ascertain that a prospect is both physically and mentally capable to perform their duties.
See also: The Benefits Of Regular Medical Check-Ups And Where To Get Examined In Nigeria.
Pre-employment medical examinations are important for various reasons, but one of the main reasons why organisations carry out pre-employment medical checks is it helps point out some medical conditions that some prospective employees are not aware of hitherto. With this information, they can take better care of themselves.
Pre-employment medicals also provide employers with a baseline against which to compare future changes in the individual’s health status, which could be because of occupational exposure to the job.
It is important for employers to note that the medical information and test results of candidates must be kept confidential and must not be revealed to anybody else.
Why A Pre-employment Medical Examination Is Necessary?
To know the baseline health status of an employee
Like we mentioned earlier, one of the overriding reasons employers require prospective employees to take a pre-employment medical test is because they need to know if a prospect has any underlying medical conditions that may restrict them from delivering efficient performance in their workplace. It also gives an employer a baseline health status of a prospective employee that future health changes can be compared to.
To understand how you can help a prospective employee do their work better.
Every employee has different needs to function properly in their role. While most of the needs you will look to help with might be with work tools and equipment, knowing a prospective employee’s health status might provide you knowing that you need to help them create an enabling environment where they can flourish.
To Increase Your Company’s Productivity Level
We have proven that a healthy workforce leads to a more productive firm. This is because if your staff members are healthy, there is a lower chance of them taking off days and missing work consecutively. Conversely, an unhealthy workforce leads to a drop in productivity levels and ultimately affects the bottom line. To help circumvent this, pre-employment medical examinations are important.
What To Expect During A Pre-Employment Medical Examination
A health questionnaire
This is the first thing administered during a pre-employment medical examination. A pre-employment health questionnaire helps break the ice. It allows employees to share vital health information with no holds barred.
Employees should also expect:
- Answering questions about family medical history, lifestyle and other general health points weight, height, body mass index (BMI) and other vital information taken
- Be given a physical examination
- Be screened for drugs and alcohol, especially if the position requires you to operate heavy machinery or drive
- Have your vision (Near, Distance and Colour) and hearing checked
Other tests carried out during a pre-employment medical examination include:
- Urinalysis
- Respiratory System
- Abdominal Examination
- The Central Nervous System
- Skin Overview
- Cardiovascular Examination
- A Musculoskeletal Examination
Are you looking to carry out pre-employment medical examinations for your prospective staff? Consider doing your pre-employment medical tests with Medbury Labs. Click here to book an appointment.
We are experienced in pre-employment medicals for corporate organisations, and we go the extra mile to help you get the details you need to decide.