Insomnia: The Effect On Your Health
Insomnia is a sleep disorder in which you have trouble falling or staying asleep.
Currently, in Nigeria, there are 1.5 million cases of insomnia per year.
When we don’t get enough sleep almost every aspect of our life suffers. Especially your work performance. If you can’t function properly at work, you will be retrenched which will lead to greater problems like depression and suicidal thoughts.
Treatment can help but it can’t be cured.
Major symptoms may include difficulty falling or staying asleep and not feeling well-rested.
The main causes of insomnia range from anxiety, stress, depression. But having difficulty sleeping can also make anxiety, stress, and depression symptoms worse.
There are different types of Insomnia, which are;
- Acute Insomnia: It is very common and it’s brought on by situations such as stress at work, family pressures, or a traumatic event. Acute insomnia lasts for days or weeks.
- Chronic insomnia: This is a long term pattern of sleep difficulty. It is considered chronic if a person has trouble falling asleep or staying asleep at least three nights per week for three months or longer.
- Comorbid Insomnia: Comorbid insomnia can be a symptom or result of another medical or psychiatric illness(secondary insomnia), or it can be a separate disorder that can cause or worsen another condition.
- Onset Insomnia: This is difficulty falling asleep at the beginning of the night.
- Maintenance Insomnia: Maintenance insomnia is difficulty staying asleep, and in particular, waking too early and struggling to get back to sleep. Sleep maintenance is more common in women than in men.
The symptoms of insomnia are;
- Difficulty falling asleep
- Difficulty staying asleep
- Waking up too early in the morning
- Fatigue or low energy
- Cognitive impairment such as difficulty in concentrating on the task at hand.
Though you can’t die from Insomnia, chronic insomnia can also certainly be an indirect cause of death.
Some types of insomnia resolve when the underlying cause is treated.
Both medical and non-pharmacological (behavioral) treatments may be used as therapies.
Non-pharmacological approaches include cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) in one on one or group therapy.
Medical treatment for insomnia include;
- Prescription sleeping pills
- Antidepressant
Also, there are home remedies you can use
They are;
- Improving your sleep time
- Increasing physical activity
- Avoiding caffeine at night
- Avoid going to bed hungry
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