How to reduce Covid-19 spread while self-isolating at home amongst Family & Friends.
According to the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) ,Individuals who have tested positive to Covid-19 or have you been exposed to a positive case with mild to moderate symptoms will be asked to self-isolate for 10 to 14 days , if no symptom ensues a retest(for those who tested positive) is recommended to confirm absence of virus. Self-isolating at home with Family and friends is quite tricky as this poses some level exposure danger to your immediate loved ones who might not have had prior exposure. To minimize the risk posed to family and friends certain tips if well adhered to will help minimize this risk to the barest minimum. Find below some tips for reducing the spread of infection in your home
While you’re staying at home, you should:
Wash your hands with soap and water often, for at least 20 seconds
Use hand sanitizer gel if soap and water are not available
Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze
Put used tissues in the bin straight away and wash your hands afterwards
Clean objects and surfaces you touch often (like door handles, kettles and phones) using your regular cleaning products and disinfectants.
Always put on your face mask.
Do not share personal household items such as cutleries, toothbrush etc.
As much as possible, stay in a specific room and away from other people.