How To Decipher When Your Employees Are Caving Under The Workload – Medbury Medicals

How To Decipher When Your Employees Are Caving Under The Workload


There are times when the workload is more than the time given to complete a task, but some employees are scared to approach you on it, in fear of being reprimanded or worst-case scenario ‘sacked’.


Therefore I have listed out ways to know when your employee is caving under the workload and how to effectively come in to rescue.


This way you enjoy unparalleled benefits also for your employee resulting in a win-win situation.


Stress from being overworked can lead to all sorts of health problems, such as insomnia, depression, and heart disease. 


Poor health can result in more sick days, high turnover, and rising health-insurance costs, which greatly affects your bottom line without increasing output.


Major signs of overworking include having trouble relaxing and feeling like there’s not enough time in the day to get everything done. 


Other telltale signs include never being able to complete a to-do list and seeing our health deteriorate, such as gaining or losing weight

  • Poor work performance. 
  • Absenteeism. 
  • Heightened employee emotions.
  • Poor customer feedback. 
  • Working long hours. 


12 ways to come to the rescue.


  • Throw the Idea of Multitasking Out of the Window. 
  • Prioritize the Work. 
  • Flexibility and Adaptability Will Serve You Well. 
  • Electronic Planning. 
  • Communicate and be clear. 
  • Be Reasonable.
  • Keep the Door Open.
  • Allow employees to talk freely with one another. 
  • Reduce personal conflicts on the job. 
  • Give employees adequate control over how they do their work. 
  • Ensure that staffing and expense budgets are adequate. 
  • Support employees’ efforts

With these few tips, the workplace should be reeking of high productivity.

Health is wealth, care for your staff health and they will care for your business.


Medbury cares.

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