COVID-19 Delta Variant: Everything You Need To Know & How To Stay Safe – Medbury Medicals
Delta variant

COVID-19 Delta Variant: Everything You Need To Know & How To Stay Safe

As people became more cautiously optimistic about the COVID-19 pandemic being flattened across the globe, a new virus strain surfaced. The Delta variant of the COVID-19 Virus was first discovered in India, then it, unfortunately, spread to the United Kingdom, and subsequently the United States. 

Thereafter, the Delta variant quickly spread across different countries, and subsequently became a global problem. But what is the Delta variant of the COVID-19 virus? What are some things to know about the Delta variant? In this post, we will share everything you need to know about the Delta variant of the coronavirus, and what you can do to protect yourself from it.

What Is The Delta Variant?

The Delta variant is a highly contagious variant of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. It typically spreads more quickly across different age groups and is reported to be more deadly. The Delta variant of the Covid-19 Virus was first identified in India in December 2020, but it quickly spread to the United Kingdom, then the United States, and subsequently to other countries across the globe. Locally, Nigeria has reported cases of the Delta variant within the country.

Here are a couple of things that we have learned about the Delta variant of the COVID-19 virus so far:

The Delta Variant Is More Contagious Than The Other Strains Of The COVID-19 Virus

According to data made available by the Centre for Disease Control (CDC), the Delta variant of the COVID-19 virus is 2x more contagious than other strains of the virus. This effectively means that everybody’s chances of contracting the COVID-19 virus have increased by 200% because of the Delta variant.

Unvaccinated People Are At The Highest Risk

According to different studies, people who have not been vaccinated for the COVID-19 virus are much more likely to be hospitalised when they contract the virus than people who have been vaccinated. Additionally, unvaccinated people are more likely to transmit the virus, although studies have also shown that vaccinated people who get the virus can also transmit the disease albeit at a lower rate. 

The Delta Variant Leads To A Higher Risk of Hospitalisation

Two separate studies from Canada and Scotland show that people who contract the Delta variant of the COVID-19 virus are more likely to end up in the hospital than people who contracted previous strains of the virus including people who contract the alpha strain of the virus. This means that in effect, the delta variant is more deadly than other strains of the virus. According to recent research, the delta variant of the coronavirus grows more rapidly and to much greater levels than other variants of the virus.

Fully Vaccinated People Can Still Spread The Virus

A huge misconception that people have is that when they get fully vaccinated, they are free from contracting the virus-that cannot be further from the truth. The vaccination is still the best bet to get protected against the COVID-19 virus, however, fully vaccinated people can still get infected and effectively spread the virus. According to research, fully vaccinated people can still get the new variant and even spread it although the risk is greatly reduced.

Symptoms of the Delta Variant Is The Same As Other Variants

According to studies, it appears that the symptoms of the Delta variant of the virus are the same as other variants of the COVID-19 virus. Conversely, doctors are saying that people who contract this variant of the coronavirus get sicker much more quickly than people who contract other variants of the virus. Additionally, medical experts say that the variant is causing a sharp rise in infections among young people. However, it also appears that fully vaccinated people are mostly asymptomatic when they contract the Delta variant of the virus. The popular symptoms that come with the delta variant include fever or headache, cough, as well as a significant loss of smell.

Vaccination Is The Best Bet

Experts say that vaccination is still the best bet to guard against COVID-19 infections. The vaccines typically protect you against infection, and even in the rare case where there is breakthrough infection (a case where a person who has received all doses of the vaccines still gets a COVID-19 infection), chances are that your risk of ending up in a hospital is significantly lower, and so will the risk of the infection being fatal.

How To Protect Yourself From The Delta Variant

Here are some ways that you can start protecting yourself from the Delta variant and other variants of the CoVid-19 virus:

Take a Test

The first place to start protecting yourself is by knowing your COVID-19 status. The best way to know your status is by taking a COVID test. Taking a COVID test is very easy to do now all thanks to our laboratory services. You can either request to take the test from the comfort of your home or schedule an appointment to take the test at any of our Lagos, and Port Harcourt centres.

Consider Vaccination

Another important way to protect yourself from this relatively new variant of the COVID-19 virus is through vaccination. Vaccines protect you from viral diseases like the COVID-19 virus.

Getting a vaccination is very easy in Nigeria thanks to the policies of the NPHCDA. Please visit the NPHCDA’s official website for information on where to get vaccines in your community.

Keep in mind, that vaccination is the easiest way to protect you and your family from the COVID-19 virus.

Wear a Mask

Medical experts warn that even with full vaccination, there is still a chance of breakthrough infections. To help circumvent this, make sure that you continue wearing masks even after full vaccination.

Masks will help protect you against breakthrough infections, especially among people that you can’t verify their vaccination status.

Avoid Crowded Areas

It is still very risky to enter crowded areas. This is because, in crowded areas, you have more chances of contracting the coronavirus. After all, you are near other people. Additionally, the risk of meeting people who are unvaccinated increases significantly when you are in crowded areas. Therefore, to stay on the safe side, avoid crowded areas.


The COVID-19 virus has become a global health concern since it first surfaced in the Wuhan region of China in 2019. One of the main reasons why the virus has remained a problem is because it can mutate. The Delta variant; one of the latest strains of the coronavirus has become the most fatal and easily transmittable variant. To protect yourself and your family against the virus, there are some steps you must take. These steps include taking a test, getting vaccinated, wearing masks, and avoiding crowded areas.

Are you ready to take your COVID-19 test? Click here to schedule an appointment with our laboratory! Remember, knowing your status is the first step towards protecting yourself and your loved ones.

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