Benefits of Vaccination: Is Vaccinating Your Entire Team Against COVID-19 Worth It? – Medbury Medicals
benefits of vaccination

Benefits of Vaccination: Is Vaccinating Your Entire Team Against COVID-19 Worth It?

What are the benefits of vaccination? Is it worth it to vaccinate your entire team against COVID-19? I will attempt to answer those questions in this post.

Vaccines have been available for decades. Vaccines are simply substances used to stimulate the production of antibodies (The body’s natural defence) with the aim of providing protection (immunity) against one or several diseases. Vaccines work by preparing the body’s natural defences to recognize and fight off germs (viruses, bacteria e.t.c.). 

After vaccination, if the body is exposed to disease-causing germs, the body is immediately ready to destroy them, preventing illness.

With the emergence of the novel Coronavirus, vaccine development became pertinent for the pandemic’s mitigation; it was therefore a stellar achievement when vaccines were developed at a speed as novel as the Covid-19 virus itself. 

Amidst the muddle of mutation and the ever-changing dynamics of the Covid-19 virus, this scientific breakthrough is an efficacious way of shortening the infection curve and halting the raging pandemic.

With the workplace gradually moving back from remote to physical work and “the subtle art of human proximity” still playing a major part in virus spread (because the virus still spreads via respiratory droplets), it is important that the workforce are vaccinated to shorten the infection curve at the workplace and by ripple effect the nation.

For an employer, getting the workforce vaccinated might prove to be a herculean task as vaccine confidence is on the low side, especially in third world nations. Scepticism abounds where getting vaccinated is the matter of discussion, however, by providing information about COVID-19 vaccination and establishing supportive policies and practices, employers can help increase vaccine uptake among its staff.

In this article, we have identified some benefits of getting your entire staff and workforce vaccinated. 

Here are some of them:

Benefits of Vaccination To Employer

  1. Reduced Sickness absenteeism:

Getting your entire workforce vaccinated can help reduce potential absences due to illness from Covid 19. This is because the Covid-19 vaccine helps to reduce an individual’s risk of getting seriously ill when he or she contracts the virus. This by extension helps prevent hospitalization and death. 

In addition, vaccination helps to reduce a person’s risk of contracting and spreading the virus that causes COVID-19 and fully vaccinated people with breakthrough infections from the new variant also appear to be infectious for a shorter period.

  1. Improved productivity:

A healthy workforce is a productive one. By getting your workforce vaccinated, you reduce sickness absenteeism that could have ensued from Covid-19 infection and by extension, improve labour availability, usage and productivity.

  1. Improve morale: 

Investing in healthcare programs is a good way to improve staff morale. 

Vaccination health programs are no exception! 

By investing in Covid-19 vaccination programs (geared towards staff vaccinations) and ultimately getting staff vaccinated you improve staff morale and consequently productivity.

Benefits Of Vaccination To Employees

The benefits of getting vaccinated are not only applicable to the employer. Your decision to get vaccinated also has a positive effect on you and your loved ones. 

Here are some of them:

  1. Protection for you and your loved ones:

Getting vaccinated protects you and people around you from the Covid-19 virus. Chances of contracting, spreading and getting seriously ill from the Covid 19 virus are significantly reduced for fully vaccinated people

  1. Getting vaccinated helps prevent COVID-19 illness, hospitalization and death
  1. Getting vaccinated helps reduce absences and doctor visits due to illness:

In conclusion,

None of the COVID-19 vaccines contains the live virus that causes COVID-19 so a COVID-19 vaccine cannot make you sick with COVID-19. 

Employers can consider organizing both onsite and offsite vaccination programs for employees based on policies and regulations as it applies to your state. In Lagos, vaccinations are currently ongoing at several primary healthcare centres. Employers can encourage workers to get vaccinated by creating programs that can help boost vaccine confidence. Employers can also offer flexible, non-punitive time off for individuals who opt for vaccine reception.

At Medbury Medical Services, we offer Covid-19 testing in accordance with the highest international standards. You can contact us for both corporate and individual Covid19 testing.

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