Alcohol: The Dangers – Medbury Medicals

Alcohol: The Dangers




Alcohol abuse can have immense health effects, impacting your entire body also causing a range of health problems. Like liver damage brain damage, heart failure, diabetes cancer, and infections

Drinking too much puts you at risk for some cancers, such as cancer of the mouth, esophagus, throat, liver, and breast. It can affect your immune system.
If you drink alcohol every day you might notice you are susceptible to illnesses than people who drink it less often or don’t drink at all.


Common symptoms of alcohol abuse are;


  • Experiencing temporary blackouts or short term memory loss.
  • Exhibiting signs of irritability and extreme mood swings
  • Making excuses for the habit such as to unwind, deal with stress, or feel normal.


Excessive alcohol use can lead to the development of chronic diseases and other serious diseases and other serious problems including:


High blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, liver disease, and digestive problems.
An abundance of alcohol can harm the liver, whose job is to break down harmful substances in the body. This can lead to hepatitis, jaundice, and cirrhosis, which is the buildup of scar tissue that eventually destroys the organ. Alcohol may cause kidney, bladder, and prostate inflammation.

Alcohol is a toxin that can kill sperm generating cells in the testes. Moderate drinking as well may cause difficulties in conceiving. A healthy male produces millions of sperm each day. When alcohol breaks down in the body, it may interfere with normal sperm structure and movement.

The lethal dose of alcohol is 5 to 8g/kg (3g/kg for children) – that is, for a 60kg person.
300g of alcohol can kill, which is equal to 30 standard drinks (about 1 liter of spirits or four bottles of wine).

Consuming excess alcohol damages the end of neurons, called dendrites, which makes it difficult for neurons to relay messages to one another.
Long term effect of alcohol is that drinking too much overtime can cause chronic physical and mental health issues.

Medbury Cares.

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