Tips for a healthier lifestyle balance


Finding and maintaining a healthy lifestyle balance can be tricky especially for professionals. When it comes to health and lifestyle balance, in most cases, the most minute of positive lifestyle adjustments can produce very amazing and far-reaching results. Bear in mind that it’s relatively easy to go overboard or not really make a tangible effort when trying to implement lifestyle changes. However, with these tips, you can find and maintain a healthier and more balanced middle ground. 

1. Develop Proper Eating Habits

Eating when you’re hungry and eating when you want are two very different and distinct things. Avoid just gobbling down food whenever you’re happy, angry, or stressed. FOOD IS NOT A COPING MECHANISM! Eating disorders are pretty hard to stop and can hamper your health and affect your productivity and quality of life.  Also be mindful of what you eat, as much as possible, maintain a balanced diet. 

While eating, don’t be in a rush. It’s been proven that you eat more when you pace yourself than rushing down food. 

2. Exercising is Key

Virtually everyone has heard time and time again how important exercises are. Engaging in regular exercises is as helpful to the body as it is to the mind. In the same way, you keep a calendar where your meetings, dates, and important events are scheduled, keep a calendar where your exercise time and exercise routine is scheduled.

3. Stop Skipping Meals

One of the ‘hallmarks of professionalism’ in recent times is the ability to skip meals in order to meet a target, see a client, or generally fulfill a corporate agenda. So you hear statements like ‘phew, today was rough, do you know I haven’t had anything all day? I had to blah, blah, blah.’ 

There is hardly any excuse to skip meals, especially not one bordered on work. Meal skippers are diabetics waiting on their first symptom! It serves neither you nor your employer when you do not eat. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  After dinner which should ideally be eaten before 8, you stay without food all through the night for about 9-10 hours. When you wake, it’s important to break the fast! 

Ensure that you have at the very least breakfast and dinner, and a healthy snack in between if you can’t have lunch. 

4. Drink Water

Having a cup of juice alongside breakfast or a coke with lunch is tasty and refreshing. For a more balanced lifestyle in 2022, replace tasty and refreshing, with water. The importance of increasing your water intake cannot be overemphasized. From detoxifying your body to supplying you with much-needed refreshment without the burden of sugars and calories, switching your meal accompaniments to water is the best way to go for a balanced lifestyle.

5. Sleep Well

Lack of sleep is quickly becoming a problem for professionals and individuals in the working class. You’re not a machine and even machines need a break after continuous work. Do not skip your time for sleep. Get refreshed and better positioned for work. Lack of sleep presents you with a whole brochure of health challenges and sometimes mental health problems. Ensure you have a minimum of 4-6 hours of uninterrupted sleep daily. Your quality of life is important.

6. Avoid Self-Medication

Self-medication, while obviously wrong, is also becoming a huge practice among workers. Here’s the major problem with self-medication. When you self-medicate, chances are you’re using drugs that deal with the symptoms you’re feeling and not necessarily the cause of the symptoms. For instance, there’s no illness like ‘headache’. Headache is your body’s way of saying something is wrong. So when you take painkillers, while you might have treated the symptoms, you just successfully incubated a possible brain aneurysm that could have been caught on time, if you simply sought medical help. Stop self-diagnosing and self-medicating and seek medical attention whenever you feel ill.


In conclusion, the Covid-19 virus is still very much around and doesn’t seem to be going anywhere anytime soon. Keep up with Covid-19 best practices to ensure a healthier lifestyle balance in 2022. Wash your hands regularly, use a facemask, keep hand sanitizers handy, avoid crowded environments and by all means, get yourself vaccinated.

Temitope Olawunmi About the author
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