Medical Staffing Services – Medbury Medicals

We provide worksite clinic and management support to workplace clinics. Even in remote and dangerous terrains, we ensure all your health needs are provided on your work site. From the design and setup of your clinic, development of your medical emergency response plans, provision of experienced competent staff who provide daily treatment for mild cases to moderate ailments and stabilization, or medical evacuation of more serious cases, we’ve got you covered. We provide:

1. Recruitment of Worksite & Offshore Medics

2. Enrollment of Doctors, Nurses and Paramedics

3. Clinic Setup and Management

4. Electronic Medical Records and Data Management Solutions

5. Network of Onshore and Offshore Clinics


An occupational health physician (OHP) is a specialist medical doctor who provides medical consultancy services to organizations to meet statutory and regulatory requirements of ensuring the health, safety and wellbeing of employees through health promotion programs, medical surveillance, diagnoses and treatment of occupational diseases, work-related illnesses and injuries of employees, and conducts fitness-for-work physical examinations.

OHP can either work remotely or on site and should be accessible 24/7 to support the organization. He or she is involved in patient’s diagnoses, treatment and prevention of occupational illnesses and/or injuries. Identifies work place health hazards. Prepare employees for return to work and fitness to work after injury/illness. OHP creates health policies to create a safer work environment. Ensures employees overall good health and reduces sickness absenteeism.

Medbury Medical Services vibrant team of OHP occupational health physicians are available to provide needed Occupational Health Services to your organization.



An offshore medic is a Doctor or Nurse that is responsible for the health, safety and welfare of employees in an offshore setting.

He or she is involved in treatment of crew for injuries or illnesses that develops offshore. These includes  fitness assessment and safe to work, keeps medical records, involves in trainings, health promotion, medical advisory to the offshore crew., medical evacuations. He or she is involved in the overall health and safety of the crew.

Medbury Medical Services provides these range of services to oil and gas companies and out post stations with duly certified professionals of global standards in health care delivery.


An HSE Doctor is a qualified medical personnel heading the HSE team of an organization responsible for the health and safety of the employees in a specified environment.

Responsibilities include monitoring and investigating injuries and illnesses, creating reports on health and safety matters, developing strategies to reduce incidents of illnesses, environmental accidents and other public safety issues.

Medbury Medical Services outsources this service to clients by providing globally experienced personnel with wealth of knowledge in HSE following current best practices.


A medical consultant works in advisory capacity to clients on matters of health.

He or she attends to Health set ups, groups and organizations.

Responsibilities include gathering and analyzing data, drawing conclusions and presenting findings in the form of medical advisory recommendations to clients. Offers advice for standardizing delivery of care to increase employee’s/client’s satisfaction. Assist with a range of regulatory issues such as complying with insurance safety plans, keeping employee’s information confidential, disposing hazardous wastes ETC.

Medbury Medical Services offers the best medical advisory team dedicated to improving client’s health and safety concerns including policies.