Emergency Response Solutions – Medbury Medicals

From the point of employment, it is important to ascertain that every employee is medically fit or the requirements of their job role. Medfit offers a cohort of services which ensures that from recruitment to exist your staff are fit to work . Medfit also ensures that a baseline health status is recorded for every staff and periodically reviewed to pick up preventable and treatable health conditions before it is too late. Our Medfit Services include:

1. Pre-employment & Preplacement Medicals

2. On-going employment Medical Screening

3. Return To Work Evaluation

4. Functional Capacity Evaluation

5. Drug and Alcohol Screening

6. Offshore Medical Certification

7. Diving Medicals

8. NIMASA Seafarer Certification

9. Food Handler’s Test

10. Respiratory Fit Testing

11. OGUK (former UKOOA)

Medbury has centers across Nigeria all connected through an online safe and secure electronic medical records system. This allows you access the records of all your staff at a click of a button in r